Don't Buy Property in Ghana without

Reading this Special Report.

Unlock the Secrets of Successful Land Acquisition in Ghana: Your Essential Guide Awaits!

Before you Invest in Property, Read this Buyer's Guide

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Have you felt Ghana is calling you home?

Do you dream of planting roots in her rich soil?

This guide helps you answer that soulful call with care and purpose.

Purchasing property in Ghana is a profound decision requiring wisdom and patience. I'm honored to offer this comprehensive 7,000+ word journey illuminating how to buy land mindfully as a foreigner.

On page 12 - I reveal the 5 things that you need to look for every day

On page 16 - You will learn about unknown fees

On page 21 - I share with you some of the top scams that you save you thousands of $$$

Consider this your trusted companion for this life-changing investment. Within these pages, you'll discover:

  • Ghana's communal approach to land - and your role as steward.

  • Laws, regulations and protocols made clear through examples.

  • The step-by-step process from offer to closing and beyond.

  • Locations and landscapes to match your lifestyle and spirit.

  • Budgeting fully for fees, taxes and costs so you can plan confidently.

  • Building a talented team of advisors by your side each milestone.

  • Conducting due diligence to ensure legal and financial security.

  • Envisioning your legacy - from investment value to community impact.

  • Staying vigilant against potential deception while focusing on the good.

I distill decades of my own experiences and mentors' wisdom into this heartfelt guide. Let it illuminate your path so you can follow your dreams assuredly.

Owning land in Ghana is about so much more than an address. It's saying yes to a journey of growth, purpose and belonging. This guide is your companion for embracing all that awaits you.

The journey begins with a single step. Download my guide today to start planting your roots in Ghana's promising soil!

Mrs. Quateshia Green-Agyapong

You're about to start something really exciting.

You might be thinking about buying some land in Ghana, and that could be a big deal for your money in the future. But wait a second! Before you jump in, let's make sure you know what you're doing.

Sometimes, people get really excited about buying land, and they rush into it. Then, they end up in a big mess with legal problems and other headaches. We don't want that to happen to you!

That's why we made a special guide to help you. We call it the DDR, which stands for Double Checks, Due Diligence, and Research. It's like a secret code to help you make sure you're doing everything right.

Our guide, called "7 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Any Land in Ghana," is like a treasure map. It shows you all the steps you need to take to buy land without any problems. You'll learn about the different kinds of land, how to talk to the people who own the land, and even how to make sure the land is really what they say it is.

We'll also tell you why it's good to buy land from certain people called developers and how to make sure everything is legal with the help of a lawyer. It's like having a friend who knows all about buying land in Ghana, helping you every step of the way.

So, before you spend your money, take a little time to read our guide. It's like putting on a safety helmet before riding a bike. It helps you make sure you're doing everything right, so you don't end up with any surprises.

Click the button to download our guide, "7 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Any Land in Ghana." It's like having a smart friend helping you make a big decision.

Because when it comes to your money and your future, you want to make sure you're doing everything right!

Why Ghana? - Why Now? - Why Invest?

A Land of Opportunity and Growth

Ghana, located on the West Coast of Africa, is a country rich in culture, history, and natural resources. Known for its stable political environment and growing economy, it has become a hotspot for investors and entrepreneurs.

The country's diverse landscape, ranging from lush rainforests to bustling urban centers, offers a wide array of opportunities for development.

Whether it's agriculture, real estate, or tourism, owning land in Ghana provides a gateway to tap into a market that's ripe with potential.

A Strategic Investment in a Thriving Economy

Owning land in Ghana is not just about acquiring a piece of earth; it's an investment in a future filled with promise.

With a growing middle class, increased urbanization, and government initiatives to boost infrastructure, the demand for land is on the rise.

Whether it's for residential, commercial, or agricultural purposes, owning land in Ghana positions you at the forefront of a market that's poised for growth.

The country's strategic location also makes it a key player in regional trade, further enhancing the value of land ownership.

Embracing a Rich Cultural Heritage and Lifestyle

Beyond the economic incentives, owning land in Ghana connects you with a rich cultural heritage and a way of life that's both vibrant and diverse.

From the traditional Ashanti Kingdom to the modern cityscapes of Accra, the country offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity. Owning land here allows you to be part of a community that values family, hospitality, and a connection to the land.

Whether it's building a home, starting a farm, or launching a business, owning land in Ghana is about creating a legacy and contributing to a nation that's moving forward with confidence and pride.

Who is
Mrs. Quateshia Green-Agyapong

Mother, Woman of God, Visionary, Entrepreneur

Your Ghana Expert

As a Mother, Woman of God, Leader, Visionary, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, BOSS! Keisha Green is the epitome of excellence and a beacon of light for many.

From wellness to the beauty industry to pushing people into their purpose through prayer, Keisha is an example of how you can overcome tragedy, live a life of success and triumph, and be at the top of your field.

She's committed to helping you become committed to investing in yourself, investing in growing spiritually through accountability and understanding.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

  • MATTHEW 18:20

Are you ready to take ownership of your dreams in Ghana?

Don't miss this limited opportunity to request my comprehensive

buyer's guide for purchasing land.

Within its pages, you'll discover everything you need to navigate this profound investment with confidence - from selecting the perfect location to building your trusted advisor team to envisioning your legacy over the long-term.

Don't buy land blindly - arm yourself with my guide's insights to make educated, mindful decisions.

Secure your future in Ghana today. Click below to request my guide and say yes to this journey of growth, meaning and community!

Let your heart chart the course ahead. This is just the beginning!

With excitement,

Mrs. Quateshia Green-Agyapong

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What are the main types of land ownership available to foreigners in Ghana?

Foreigners can acquire 50-year renewable leasehold interests in state lands. There is also customary freehold land governed by local tribes, which foreigners cannot directly own.

How long does the property purchase process typically take in Ghana?

From offer to closing usually takes 4-6 weeks. Allow 2-3 more weeks after closing to register the deed with Lands Commission fully.

What taxes and fees should I budget for when purchasing land?

Factor in property taxes, stamp duties, capital gains tax, VAT, legal/closing costs, registration fees, and more. Total taxes can be 10-20% of purchase price.

Do I need to hire a real estate attorney?

Yes, a good local attorney is strongly recommended to review documents, ensure valid title, and handle conveyancing and registration of your lease or deed.

How do I find a reliable real estate agent in Ghana?

Ask for referrals from expat networks. Check agents' backgrounds and licensing. Interview agents before hiring one you connect well with.

What is the process for developing or building on land in Ghana?

You will need zoning approval, permits, construction plans, and licensed contractors. Hire professionals familiar with regulations.

What currency are property transactions in Ghana conducted in?

Transactions are done in the local currency Ghanaian cedis (GHS). Use registered banks to exchange foreign currency.

Can I get a mortgage as a foreigner buying property in Ghana?

Yes, mortgages are available but often require 50% down payment or more. Interest rates are generally high for foreign buyers.

How can I safely send or receive funds for a property purchase from overseas?

Use wire transfers through reputable banks to avoid delays. Attorney escrow accounts also offer secure options.

Is title insurance available in Ghana?

Yes, companies like Vanguard Assurance provide title insurance. Getting coverage is recommended to protect against deficiencies.

How do I inspect land and buildings prior to purchase?

Hire a certified surveyor to inspect boundaries and conditions. Have a licensed engineer assess structures. Conduct visits yourself.

What professionals should I have on my property-buying team?

A real estate agent, property lawyer, surveyor, engineer, mortgage broker, asset manager, and accountant/tax advisor.

What are the restrictions on foreign ownership of land in Ghana?

No restrictions on residential leasehold. For freehold, foreign entities are restricted to 10% ownership of the local company owning land.

How can I avoid real estate scams?

Do thorough due diligence on titles, deeds, and ownership history. Use registered professionals only. Don't rush. Walk away from deals that seem suspicious.

Do I need a visa or residency permit to buy property in Ghana as a foreigner?

No, you do not need a visa or residency permit if you are purchasing property as a non-citizen. However, you may need residency to obtain a mortgage loan.

How can I determine the true market value of a land parcel or property?

Hire a professional appraiser to provide a valuation. Also review recent sales of comparable properties in the same area. An agent can provide price guidance.

What communication methods do real estate professionals in Ghana use?

Email, phone, WhatsApp, and texting are common. Make sure language and accessibility align with your needs before hiring an agent.

How much are property management fees for my land or home?

Property managers typically charge 5-15% of collected rent. If vacant, expect monthly fees of $100-200 covering oversight. Ensure costs are clear in your contract.

Is it customary to negotiate prices when buying property in Ghana?

Yes, negotiating is expected especially on initial asking prices. Consult your real estate agent on typical sales price ranges to counteroffer reasonably.

© 2023 Copyright - Building Up Ghana - Mrs. Quateshia Green

Mrs. Quateshia Green has made every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct. While we try to keep the information up-to-date and accurate, there are no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the information's completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability. Mrs. Quateshia Green is NOT providing tax, legal, financial, or investment advice. Please do not assume and hereby disclose any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

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Certain information in this website/events is derived from sources that Mrs. Quateshia Green believes to be reliable; however, Mrs. Quateshia Green does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of such information and assumes no liability for any resulting damages. Readers should seek advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or other financial instruments referred to in this website or any other message received from Mrs. Quateshia Green and should understand that statements regarding future prospects of these or other financial products may not be realized. Legal Disclosure: You are hereby advised that Mrs. Quateshia Green is not a financial advisor and is NOT providing legal or tax advice. You'll need to interpret nothing on this website as legal advice. For legal advice and all legal-related matters, Mrs. Quateshia Green recommends that you seek the advice of a qualified attorney licensed in your state or jurisdiction.